13,750km - 1 FD 13B RX7 - 1 Mission

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13,750km - 1 FD 13B RX7 - 1 Mission

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13,750km - 1 FD 13B RX7 - 1 Mission

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The Plan

The Plan

The Plan

Simple. Buy an RX7 in Japan and a Kei truck as a support vehicle. Get a boat from Japan to Russia and embark on the journey of a lifetime.
Everything else is unknown and open to see where the world takes us.
This will all be documented in various ways following the journey on YouTube, Tiktok and Instagram.
I'll be flying to Japan this summer (2024) to purchase the cars, but the trip will be booked for June 2025.

Simple. Buy an RX7 in Japan and a Kei truck as a support vehicle. Get a boat from Japan to Russia and embark on the journey of a lifetime.
Everything else is unknown and open to see where the world takes us.
This will all be documented in various ways following the journey on YouTube, Tiktok and Instagram.
I'll be flying to Japan this summer (2024) to purchase the cars, but the trip will be booked for June 2025.

Support the Trip

Support the Trip

Support the Trip

If you're following this journey, you'll know I'm leaving my job to do this journey and many more. My dive head first into adventures and content.
It's the biggest leap of faith I've ever done. Right in.
If you'd like to support this adventure and grab some absolutely amazing products, check them out with more coming very soon.
All the proceeds will go to the adventure and making it epic. Maybe we bring 3 cars back, not two… and more people come along for the journey!

If you're following this journey, you'll know I'm leaving my job to do this journey and many more. My dive head first into adventures and content.
It's the biggest leap of faith I've ever done. Right in.
If you'd like to support this adventure and grab some absolutely amazing products, check them out with more coming very soon.
All the proceeds will go to the adventure and making it epic. Maybe we bring 3 cars back, not two… and more people come along for the journey!

Buy Merch

I Want to Come!

I have had so many requests to come along. Right now, seat space is limited to two extra people. If we can hit fund raising target, I'd add a 4 seater of some sort to the plan and we can take 4 more, but still, limited space.

The trip could last up to 4 weeks and how you get to Japan is on you. I'm happy to cover fuel, breakdowns, all things associated with the car, but the rest is on you for the adventure.

It'll be once in a lifetime, but doesn't suit everyone.

If you're interested in coming, drop me a note below including a little pitch about why you want to come. I'll be in touch and let you know the process!

I have had so many requests to come along. Right now, seat space is limited to two extra people. If we can hit fund raising target, I'd add a 4 seater of some sort to the plan and we can take 4 more, but still, limited space.

The trip could last up to 4 weeks and how you get to Japan is on you. I'm happy to cover fuel, breakdowns, all things associated with the car, but the rest is on you for the adventure.

It'll be once in a lifetime, but doesn't suit everyone.

If you're interested in coming, drop me a note below including a little pitch about why you want to come. I'll be in touch and let you know the process!




Why don't you just ship it? It's cheaper and easier!

I spent years of my life chasing bullshit that didn't matter. Life is all about the memories and experiences you have along this mad journey we call life and I want to fill mine with as many of those as possible. It's never about what's easiest, it's about what will be richest in all aspects.

The car will just break down!

Maybe. Maybe not. That's part of the excitement isn't it? I could be the most prepared in the world, but at the end of the day you have to just go with the flow and know you'll find any solution to your needs at that time. It'll all work out.

What about the borders?

I'm not planning a route through any borders that should have issues. I believe it should be fine, but again, any challenges we find a way!

There is a war on don't you know!?

Whilst I love an adventure, I'm not an idiot. I have planned a route that will take me not through Ukraine... Russia is a big ass country.

The roads will ruin the car!

I hope I can find solutions to everything and as long as it doesn't rip holes in the chassis, I think a rebuild post trip would make a great build series, so you know... bonus!

Why aren't you going sooner?!

Honestly, I didn't expect to find solutions for these problems and never expected to be capable of doing this trip for YEARS! I chucked the tiktok/ reel up and was overwhelmed with the responses. It's my dream and your comments made me realise I COULD do it. My issue is that I'm in the process of being let go at my corporate job. I'm going all in for adventures in cars. It's daunting but it's a dream i am willing to live and see where it goes. The timing means I have to see out my work period before being able to be free enough to take potentially 4 weeks off to drive such a trip.

RS Garage 2024

